What is Kingdom Culture? Kingdom Culture is a mindset, a movement, a spiritual walk that recognizes that the Kingdom of God is a collective of people from all over the world who walk as one body, one spirit, with one purpose, as one family.
What is that purpose? To love God, our Father, with all our hearts, all our minds, all our strength, and all our spirit; and to love our neighbours as ourselves.
Kingdom Culture doesn’t play with games with morality, nor do we compromise our beliefs to suit the standards, and values of an ever changing world.
We don’t believe in identity politics, eternal victimhood status, honoring men for their titles, or positions, nor do we believe in laying blame on the peoples of today, for the sins of the peoples in the past; be they real, imagined, objective, or subjective.
In Kingdom Culture we don’t believe in broad generalisations, nor do we believe in dividing people by the colour of their skin, their wealth, social status, nor do we believe in dividing people by their countries of origin, or ancestors.
In Kingdom Culture, we believe in equality. Equal opportunities. Equal responsibility. Equal accountability.
In Kingdom Culture, we believe love is the greatest force on earth; but we believe love is not synonymous with tolerance.
In Kingdom Culture, love is patient. Love is kind. Love keeps no records of wrong doings; but love also corrects, instructs, and guides us all – especially when we seek harmful desires, and selfish interests.
Kingdom Culture believes all people, at the base human level, deserve dignity; but Kingdom Culture does not believe that all personal desires, practices, ideas, and beliefs are to be dignified.
Kingdom Culture seeks to lift up our fellow man, to bring comfort to the suffering, and to the weary, bring rest. To defend the rights of the widows, and orphans, and to protect all children from harm.
We believe the educated have a responsibility to teach the unlearned. We believe the strong must strengthen, and protect the weak. We believe that those with riches, must work to improve, and uplift the lives of the poor.
Kingdom Culture seeks to exemplify the teachings of Jesus, who is the Christ, and our risen King.
Kingdom Culture seeks to glorify God, our Father, through the way we live our lives.
Kingdom Culture seeks to share the love and knowledge of God, our Father, and our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Kingdom Culture: sharing the love of the Kingdom of Heaven, here, on earth,